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bulbs, etc. for summer & autumn coursework

The pleasure of seeing spring tulips, iris, hyacinth, and daffodils cannot be denied as we shed winter darkness and look for brighter, colorful days.  What is often missed by designers is the wealth of color that can be extended into summer and autumn. However, knowing when/how to specify such species is a challenge due to their seasonal availability.  If the project is being installed in this season, then expect your project to be incomplete until the bulbs are planted the following spring.  This is also true for spring blooming bulbs mentioned above that must be planted in winter to achieve a timely bloom.


The "etc." component of this page includes other structures known as modified organs.  Other than bulbs, modified organs also include corms, rhizomes, and tubers as additional examples of species that have down time over a season.  Many may need special attention during their dormancy; if left in the ground, there is a potential for rot.  Knowing which ones can stay in the ground, such as naked lady lilies, versus in storage (dahlias) can make the difference in how resources are expended when managing a garden or landscape.  Similarly, and we'll use the two examples above, understanding their watering requirements is necessary to determine their success, along with the need for fertilizer or pest and disease management.  For example, the lilies rarely need additional water, which is why we may see them with daffodils in dry western cemeteries.  Whereas dahlias need nearly constant attention, as can be observed at Golden Gate Park's dahlia collection near the conservatory.

The following list is fluid, meaning it will change as new information is made available, including new species and status on campus.  We welcome any updates, corrections, or comments to continue to make this page useful to students at West Valley College.


If a scientific name is linked, please feel free to find additional information via this website.

scientific name

Amaryllis belladonna

Begonia (tuberous collections)



common name

naked lady lilly


autumn crocus


campus location


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